Sunday 17th February
We're back in Switzerland! We arrived into Zurich nice and early on our bus. For some reason there was no passport control this time coming in, and traffic was clear! As we were pulling up I suddenly remembered that it was a Sunday and in Switzerland everything shuts on Sundays. After a quick google, we eventually found a supermarket that was open to grab a few bits for dinner!
After a bit of confusion we managed to work out the public transport here and get on the extremely nice, double decker trains to Pfäffikon where our house sit was.
Side note: We need to brush up on our German as we are now in the part of Switzerland that speaks German, rather than French.
The train ride out was gorgeous and was exactly what we had imagined Switzerland to be! There were cute little towns and houses dotted into the side of snow capped mountains and green rolling hills, and what a cute typical little Swiss town Pfäffikon is!
We made the short walk from the train station to the apartment and wow! What a gorgeous place! The apartment complex is located on top of two supermarkets (super convenient) and is the penthouse apartment, requiring a key in the elevator to reach the level as the elevator opens directly into the apartment! Up we went and were immediately greeted by two beautiful cats, Simba and Nala.
The apartment is gorgeous. It's large and spacious, with lots of balcony space and large glass windows and doors. Which makes it very light, nice and warm as it traps the sun!
We spent the evening settling in and having cuddles with the cats before having an early night. Just before going to sleep though we saw an excellent house sit for after this one which we jumped on and applied for.
Monday 18th February
Well, we were awake VERY early this morning as there is a lovely clock tour that rings every half hour (yes that kept waking us in the night) and rings continuously for 5 mins (no joke we timed it) at 4am...after it had rung till it was content we rolled back over for a few more hours of sleep.
We woke up (at a reasonable hour) to a response from the house sit we applied for, so jumped on WhatsApp for an interview and secured it!! Yay!!
After a busy week in Italy we spent today resting, playing and cuddling the cats, as well as catching up on washing and getting groceries for the week. We had a lovely evening playing Mario Party and eating our 1.50 franc camembert mmmmm mmmm mmmm.
Tuesday 19th February
We headed into town today to have an explore and then embarked on a 10km walk around "Pfäffikersee", the massive lake in Pfäffikon.
It was absolutely beautiful! We could see the stunning snowcapped mountains in the distance (although it was a little hazy and the cameras couldn't quite pick it up)! It was absolutely gorgeous walking through fields of green, with patches of snow, and of course the lake itself beside us. It was so peaceful and clear. It was also frozen over in most places. The sun was so lovely and warm, and the chorus of chirping birds was beautiful. There was such a variety of bird calls, and we saw a number of different species, I wonder whether it is some sort of conservation area.
Annnnd on the walk back to the house we found a giant croissant!

We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening pottering around, playing some more Mario Party over nibbles, and making tuna bake for dinner (the cats thought they would try and help).
The rest of the evening was a cozy one, spent curled up on the couch with hot chocolate and cookies watching some tele.
Wednesday 20th February
Today was a chilled one, enjoying the sunshine and warmth in the apartment with the cats never too far away.
Thursday 21st February
It was another beautiful day in Pfäffikon, we sorted out some logistical things for the next few days and a round of Mario Party over lunch. The afternoon was spent making the most of the warmth and sunshine by lounging out on the balcony and reading. It was so peaceful and relaxing.
Once we had soaked up enough vitamin D, we made our way down to the lake again to watch the sunset.
Friday 22nd February
It was once again time to say goodbye to our new furry friends. We packed ourselves up and made the short train journey into Zurich. We dropped our bags off at our Airbnb for the night, a nice room inside an apartment.
We made our way into the centre of Zurich to meet my old school friend Muguette, and her boyfriend Daniel for lunch. We had a nice afternoon catching up and wandering the streets of Zurich.
We stumbled across some really cute bookstores with extremely old books in them, from the 1800's, it was beautiful! There were some that were kept behind glass, including an old science book!
We said goodbye and headed back to the Airbnb for a good nights sleep before a day of travel tomorrow!